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Blog Only 20 Spare Minutes to Hit the Treadmill? Make Sure you HIIT It!


Only 20 Spare Minutes to Hit the Treadmill? Make Sure you HIIT It!

  • by Michelle
  • December 16, 2011

This time of year is very busy for a number of people and many try to make excuses for not working out often leading to feelings of guilt, which then leads to overeating.  “Well I’ve already missed my workout, I might as well just eat what I want and start fresh tomorrow”.  Does this sound like you?

My Advice:

Occasionally life does get in the way and we are not able to make it to the gym; however, this does not mean you can’t find at least 10 to 20 minutes in the day to do some exercise.  This article is directed towards those who can only hit the gym for a short period of time, but put it off because “it won’t even be worth it”.  Or how about those of you who have a treadmill at home that is currently acting as a coat hanger or is nicely decorated with garland and Christmas balls because you don’t have time to use it?

A common misunderstanding is that you must workout for at least an hour and must sweat buckets otherwise it’s not worth it.  WRONG!  If you use 20 minutes wisely you can actually be very productive and get in a great workout! Here’s an idea how:


Michelle’s 20 Minute HIIT:

(HIIT=high intensity interval training)


0-5mins           Warm-up, jog (level 5.5-6.5)

5-10mins         Sprint for 1 min (level 8.5-10.0) & jog for 30 seconds     (level 6.0-6.5)

10-15mins       Sprint for 30 seconds (level 9.0-10.0) & hop off to sides for 10 seconds

15-20mins       Cool-Down, jog (level 6.0-7.0)


Note: this is an example of a moderate to advanced treadmill workout, but it can also be adapted for walking or jogging at slower paces.  Work within your limits and at speeds you are able to handle, but be sure you are pushing yourself during the “sprints” to a speed barely sustainable to your fitness level.

More information on HIIT training here: https://www.core-condition.com/quick-tips/fitness-buzzword-explained-what-is-hiit-why-is-it-so-good/

Email Michelle@CORE-Condition for more ideas for quick workouts or more information about interval training (HIIT).


Michelle Roots BA Kin, CSCS, PES
