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Blog Are Pool Workouts Productive? The Benefits of Resistance Training in Water


Are Pool Workouts Productive? The Benefits of Resistance Training in Water

  • by Michelle
  • March 6, 2012

Traditionally water resistance training has been used for rehabilitation or for light aerobic training for senior citizens, but what about using the pool for regular resistance training?  This article will take a look at the benefits associated with performing your resistance training in the water.

A well-rounded fitness routine should include cardiovascular, resistance, and flexibility training, but this does not mean you are limited to the gym for any of these components.  As I have pointed out in earlier articles, a good workout can be performed anywhere, whether it be outdoors at a park, in a hotel room, or the beach.  If you have access to a pool, you can use it for more than just swimming and sun tanning (although these are both great also!)  Many professional athletes use water resistance training to help prepare them for season because it’s low impact and provides variability from their regular gym workouts; however, those who suffer from arthritis, back pain, heart disease, obesity, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis can also enjoy the benefits of water resistance training.

A Few Benefits of Water Resistance Training Include:


  • Reduce stress on joints, bones, and muscles because of the buoyancy of water and option of flotation devices for those who can’t exercise comfortably on land
  • Minimizes risk of injury because water provides resistance in multiple directions, which helps build balance muscle strength
  • Achieve muscle tone faster through the ability to work two opposing muscle groups with each rep by the resistance provided from the water during both the lengthening and shortening of the muscle belly
  • Increase your exercise workload and burn more calories because it takes more muscle energy to push your body through water than through air
  • Stay cool in warmer temperatures and prevent overheating
  • Fun way of adding variety to workouts to prevent plateau, keeps your body on it’s toes, or a way to get a great workout while on vacation


Example of a Beginner Water Resistance Workout:

Perform 1 set of each exercise and then repeat full circuit for a total of 3 times

-This program should be done in the shallow end

1.Water Running: in water about waist deep run on the spot or run back and fourth for 3 minutes without stopping pumping arms at the same time.  To make this more difficult try holding water dumbbells in your hands or weights on your ankles.

2. Jumping Jacks: jack arms and legs wide then back together for a total of 20 reps.  To make this more difficult also try holding water dumbbells or wear ankle weights.

3. Noodle Push & Pull: begin by holding a pool noodle with arms straight out in front of you, then pull the noodle in towards body at chest height and repeat for 20 reps.  Keep your core squeezed tight and feet about shoulder width apart.

4. Noodle Pull Down: begin by holding a pool noodle with arms straight out in front of you, then pull the noodle down to waist keeping arms straight and repeat for 20 reps.  Keep your core tight and feet about shoulder width apart.

Although water resistance cannot replace traditional weight lifting, there are many benefits and great reasons to try adding it to your regimen on occasion.


Email Michelle@CORE-Condition.com for more information about resistance training in the pool.


Michelle Roots BA Kin, CSCS, PES
