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Blog 3 Exercises for Sculpted Summer Shoulders



3 Exercises for Sculpted Summer Shoulders

  • by Michelle
  • July 30, 2017

As summer continues to roll on, it’s not time to give up on your dream of amazing sculpted arms because you still have time!  This is time to start working on your beautiful sculpted shoulders now to enjoy for the rest of the summer!  This nice weather is going to roll through to the end of September (I’m hopeful) before we start having to wear long sleeves and sweaters again.

This article is going to show you 3 exercises you can add to your workout routine to have your shoulders toned and tank top ready for the rest of the summer.  The deltoid muscle forms the round contoured appearance of your shoulder and consists of 3 different heads: anterior, medial, and posterior or aka front, middle, and back.  Due to the fact that the deltoid has 3 different heads, we have to work it in different angles to ensure we are working all areas of the muscle.  The deltoid muscle is responsible for raising the arms up, down, to the side, and behind you, so not only will strengthening this muscle give more tone to your shoulder, but it will allow you to perform lifting activities in your daily life with more ease.


summer shoulders


Here are 3 exercises to achieve shapely summer shoulders:

-You will need a set of dumbbells ranging from 2-10lbs depending on strength level                  

Perform 3 sets of each exercise for 12-15 repetitions, 2 to 3 times per week for best results.  Men looking to build a broader appearance in their shoulders can perform these exercises in reps of 6-8 with heavier weights to achieve an increase in deltoid muscle mass

1.  Lateral Raise – begin by standing or sitting with dumbbells in your hands and wrists facing in towards your hips.  Keeping a very slight bend in the elbow raise the dumbbells up to the side until they are parallel to the ground and back down, but be sure to keep your neck and shoulders relaxed by pulling your shoulders away from your ears.  If you find your shoulders tensing up as you raise the dumbbells to the sides perhaps the weight is too heavy and you should decrease it until your strength increases.

2.  Overhead Shoulder Press– this exercise can be performed from a seated or standing position, but if you have low back pain perform while seated in a chair that provides back support.  Begin by raising dumbbells up to shoulder height with your wrists facing forward, elbows at 90 degrees, and biceps parallel to the floor.  Raise the dumbbells up by straightening your arms up over your head until the dumbbells almost touch at the top.  Slowly lower the dumbbells back down to starting position and repeat.

3.  Seated Bent-Over Laterals– begin by sitting on the edge of a chair with dumbbells in your hands and knees/ankles touching each other.  Bend forward from the waist keeping the back straight and place the dumbbells behind your calves with wrists facing each other.  With the back remaining straight, keep a slight bend in your elbows and raise the dumbbells out to the side until your arms are parallel to the floor.  Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold the contraction for 1 to 2 seconds before returning the weights back to the starting position (behind the calves) and repeat.


Email Michelle@CORE-Condition.com for more information about how to get your shoulders ready for summer.

Michelle Roots BA Kin, CSCS, PES
