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Blog Fun Ways to Burn Calories Outside the Gym


Fun Ways to Burn Calories Outside the Gym

  • by Michelle
  • June 9, 2011

It’s a miracle!  Summer and warm weather has finally arrived here in BC!  I am not sure how long it will stick around so we better get outside and enjoy the sun as much as we can.  The gym is a great weatherproof workout location, but there is no better way to switch up your workout than exercising in one of the many great trails, parks, beaches that British Columbia has to offer.   Running indoors on a treadmill can be boring after a while so switching your run or walk to outdoors can also increase motivation to workout.

There are many different options for outdoor workouts, but here are a few of my favourites:

1.) Trail Run/Walk

There are many beautiful and scenic trails around BC so grab some friends and head out for a nice weekend walk/run in the woods.  Planning a vacation? Check out www.trailpeak.com for the best trails to hike at your destination as a great way to get in some exercise while on vacay.

2.) Outdoor Sports

Whether it’s a team or individual sport, there are many options to choose from at a competitive and recreational level.  For the serious athlete, look for competitive teams to join in the sport of your choice or the casual athlete aka “weekend warrior” can look to join recreational leagues or just get together with a group of friends in a park for some pick-up games.

3.) Park Circuit Training

This can be done individually or with a group of friends.  Set up your own version of a boot camp by creating 2 circuits of 4 or 5 exercises targeting different muscles and go through each circuit 2 or 3 times.  I like to add more cardio by running to the park and back (shoot for about a 20 minute run each way).

4.) Pool Training

If you have access to an outdoor pool in your own backyard or in a public pool, this is a great way to cool off as well as burn calories.  Swimming is great exercise, but the pool can also be used for other activities such as jogging in the shallow end against the water resistance or performing different strengthening exercises in both the deep and shallow ends of the pool.

If you find yourself losing motivation, now is the perfect time to switch up your workouts!  Before you know it we will be back in negative temperatures and you will wish you took advantage of the warm weather when you could.

Email Michelle@CORE-Condition.com for more information about adding outdoor alternatives to your regular workout routine.

Michelle Roots BA Kin, CSCS, PES
