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Blog 3 Exercises to Sculpt Strong Glutes This Winter



3 Exercises to Sculpt Strong Glutes This Winter

  • by Michelle
  • February 11, 2019

This is usually a topic that interests women of all ages; however, both men and women can reap the benefits of building strong glutes.  Women normally want tighter buns for the image of the popular “bubble butt”, but women should not be the only ones looking to increase muscle tone in their rear ends.  Men who participate in winter sports such as snowboarding, skiing, soccer, or hockey will definitely benefit from having more strength in their posterior chain, because all of these sports put significant demand on the lower body.

The best way to achieve the look of firm and strong glutes is to build muscle and decrease the amount of body fat in that specific area.  As I have mentioned in previous articles there is no such thing as spot reduction and no exercise will decrease fat in any specific area; however, with the combination of the exercises mentioned in this article, clean eating, and sufficient appropriate cardiovascular exercise, having the “buns” you dream of is within reach.

Strong glutes are not only for aesthetics however; building a strong posterior chain has many other benefits in prevention of muscle imbalances as well as injury. Common injuries of the low back, hips, and knees are often associated with a common muscle imbalance between the anterior and posterior chain muscles of the lower body (ie. quads and hamstrings/glutes).

TIP: Ladies do not be afraid to lift heavy weights! This is how you increase muscle mass, firm up, and tone the body.  Lifting light weights for 20-30 reps will get you nowhere!

Here are 3 of my favourite exercises to help strengthen and tone the glutes:

Squats for Strong Glutes

Stand with feet about shoulder width apart and toes pointed forward or out at a 45-degree angle (the perfect squat stance depends on each individuals hip alignment, but go with what feels most comfortable with you for now).  Squat as you normally would, making sure you go nice and deep and focus on squeezing the glutes on the way up to feel them working and pushing through your heels.  Repeat 12-15 times. Squats can be performed in many different ways to build strong glutes. Ie. with a barbell on your back, goblet style with a Kettlbell or dumbbell, with a dumbbell in either hand, with a sandbag or medicine ball, or with a landmine to name a few. Playing with different equipment, rep ranges, and weights can greatly alter the effect a squat will have on your body; however, when looking to build strong glutes always lift heavy and focus on proper form for best results.

Deadlifts for Strong Glutes

This is my all time favourite exercise for building strength in the posterior chain. Again the deadlift can be performed using a barbell, kettlebell, dumbbells, sandbag, landline or many other pieces of equipment and they all work great when performed properly with the correct volume.

Hip Raise off Bench for Strong Glutes

Begin by lying with only your shoulder blades and head resting on a bench, feet on the floor, and knees at 90-degrees so the body is in a tabletop position.  Drop your hips down towards the floor as low as you can without your back leaving the bench or heels leaving the floor, then squeeze your bum to press your body back up to the starting position.  Repeat this movement for 12-15 repetitions and for increased difficulty rest a weighted plate or dumbbells on the front of your hips.


Single Leg Bridge for Strong Glutes

This exercise can also be replaced for a single leg bridge (as seen in picture below).  Begin by lying supine (spine down) to the ground with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.  Raise your right leg up in the air and after “engaging” your core muscles (Learn how to engage your Core muscles here) push through your left heel to raise your body up until your thigh is parallel to your body.  Repeat this exercise for 12-15 repetitions and then switch legs.



Try running stairs, hills, or steep incline on the treadmill to help target and build strong glutes in addition to performing the recommended strength exercises.



Email Michelle@CORE-Condition.com for more ideas on how to build strong glutes this winter.