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Blog Minute With Michelle – Episode 1: How to Stick to a Fitness Routine


Minute With Michelle – Episode 1: How to Stick to a Fitness Routine

  • by Michelle
  • November 18, 2014
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This is a question I get on a regular basis from new clients, current clients, family members, friends, and random people I meet in the coffee shop (after I mention what I do for a living). So needless to say you are not alone with being stuck in a “rut” of living a busy lifestyle and forgetting to take care of your own health.

Why is it that fitness and eating healthy is always the first thing to go out the window when work get’s busy or life get’s crazy?


Here is my theory, think about if this is you……


Many people have an “all or nothing” mentality, especially when it comes to getting into a fitness routine. Meaning they are either working out almost everyday for long periods of time or they don’t think they will get results; therefore, they don’t think it’s worth it at all. “Well I either have to work out 5-7 days per week for at least an hour or it’s just even worth doing it”



Who made up this theory and where is everyone getting this from? Trust me, I hear this on a regular basis. Or I hear “well I was doing really well in August and worked out everyday, then life got busy and I just can’t find the time anymore so I figure I will just take some time off and start up again when I have a little more free time”




This is the largest problem with starting a fitness routine or sticking to a fitness routine – this “all or nothing” mentality. If this is the way you think, I am not mocking you at all and trust me you are not alone if this is your way of thinking. I want to help you out!


Below I am going to lay out some tips on how to find time in your busy schedule (even if it’s only a little bit of time) to workout and how to make the most of your workout time to ensure you are still getting the results you desire.


Before I get to the tips, follow these 3 steps:


Step 1: Get rid of the “all or nothing” mentality RIGHT NOW!

Step 2: Write down your weekly schedule including work, family responsibilities, clubs, social events etc.

Step 3: Take a quick minute to think about how important improving your fitness and health is to you? What are you willing to give up or put on the back burner to begin feel energized and look great. I am not saying you will have to give up everything, because I am a firm believer in finding a healthy balance of enjoying every aspect of life. This is just to get your mind in the right place.


If you are either looking to start a fitness regimen or have fallen off track from your workout routine here are some tips on how to make time in your busy schedule to get your workouts done.


    1. Every Sunday or Monday sit down and look at your schedule for the week ahead. Make your workout an appointment in your calendar, smartphone, or wherever it is that you organize the rest of your appointments and work shifts. Just like a dentist appointment, you schedule your workout into your life to ensure it get’s done – even give yourself a 24 hour cancellation policy and give yourself a punishment if you miss it! Haha jk. 😉


    2. Be realistic when you think about how much time per week you can commit to your workouts. Do not lie to yourself or overshoot how much free time you will have, because all it will do is backfire on yourself most likely resulting in returning right back to the rut you are in now! Even if you can only commit 15 minutes per day, 30 minutes 2 -3 times per week, or 20 minutes in the morning and then 20 minutes in the evening twice a week — those are all great options! Once you have these numbers you can sit down and plan out what you are going to do with that time to be most productive with your workouts.


    3. Consider booking a meeting with a personal trainer or fitness professional in your area to have a plan created for you. Many people are not able to afford the extra expense of hiring a personal trainer on a regular basis; however, many trainers offer many different affordable services now to help more clients and not break your bank. Booking a one time assessment to create a plan around your schedule and where you are able to workout (gym, home, office etc.) in order to ensure you are truly making the most of the time you have committed to your workouts. If you tell a trainer you can honestly only make time twice per week for 30 minutes each time, they will be able to create a great workout for you to get done in that time frame based around your goals. I have many clients who I see every month or 2-3 months for a new plan and a check-up on their progress to ensure they are on the right track and reaching their goals.


    4. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a workout, this happens it’s called REAL LIFE! No one is perfect, I even miss workouts from time to time. For many when one workout is missed that “all or nothing” mentality kicks in and creates that mindset of “well I’ve already screwed up my workouts for the week I better just forget about it and start fresh next week”. NO! If you miss a workout so what? Just get right back on track the next day or at your next opportunity, no added stress. Your workouts should be something you look forward to and enjoy, it should not be something you hate, if you dislike your current fitness routine it’s time to find something you enjoy! Life is too short!


    5. Recruit a workout buddy to make appointments with to hold yourselves accountable. It’s harder to cancel on someone else than it is to cancel on yourself. Working out with a buddy can sometimes be more enjoyable and more of a “social event” than a “boring old workout”. Instead of meeting a friend for drinks or coffee, invite them to a fitness class, go for a walk, or invite them to your home gym to catch up and workout at the same time.


In conclusion starting and sticking to a fitness regimen is all about finding little slots of time in your schedule (no matter how much time it is) and making the most of that time you have. Your body will thank you for it. If you take one thing away from this article it is forget the “all or nothing” theory and embrace the “every little bit helps” theory!


Please email me with any further questions at Michelle@CORE-Condition.com or contact me on Twitter/Instagram: @CORECondition


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