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Blog Bikini Ready? Beat Belly Bloat With These Quick Tips!



Bikini Ready? Beat Belly Bloat With These Quick Tips!

  • by Michelle
  • August 20, 2015
So you have plans to go to the beach this weekend or go out in that skin tight outfit, but you are worried about looking bloated and feeling blaahhhh.  Tip number one, starving yourself is not the answer to look good this weekend!!! Starving yourself or only eating vegetables will not only slow down your metabolism, but could also cause more bloating than if you were to eat on a regular schedule.

Don’t worry I am here to help you cut a few bloat causing foods out of your eating regimen for the next few days to avoid excess bloating and feel great!

Let’s Get Right To It:

OK wait, one more thing.  Many of these foods listed below are actually very healthy and should not be cut out on a regular basis, just on days leading up to beach days or special events 😉

1. Sodium/Salt found in most seasonings and highly processed foods (read nutrition labels, you would be shocked at sodium levels in most foods!) Why do we avoid salt you ask? Well taking in high levels of salt can cause temporary water retention, making you feel puffy and sluggish.  Try making your own image1(1)food and use sodium-free seasonings, such as Mrs. Dash or just chilli pepper flakes.

2. Carbonated Drinks, yes this includes diet soda (which you shouldn’t be drinking anyway because of all those horrible chemicals and artificial sweeteners!)  Drink water and if you need a little bit of flavour, try adding sliced lemon, cucumber, mint, or berries to add a little taste.  The average person should be drinking at least 3 litres of water per day, get a water bottle and carry it around with you everywhere you go.  Added bonus: drinking more water will help reduce cravings and in-turn help decrease the likelihood of you snacking on unnecessary sweets or chips.  Also, avoid excess coffee intake and opt-for green tea instead due to the fact that coffee’s highly acidic properties can often cause irritation and swelling of the GI tract.

3. Raw Vegetables, try steaming them instead.  Especially broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, onions, peppers, and legumes, as these vegetables tend to cause more gas in the GI tract and increase bloating.  This does not mean to avoid eating vegetables at all on the days leading up to non-bloat worthy events, just try to stick to steamed mushrooms or better yet, asparagus.

4. Chewing Gum, sugar-free or not, when you chew gum your are ingesting air into your GI tract causing pressure, bloating, and expansion of your GI tract.

5. Excess dairy intake in milk or yogurt etc. Although this doesn’t cause bloating for everyone, some might have even a slight bit of lactose intolerance meaning the body doesn’t have the necessary enzyme to break down the lactose sugar found in dairy products.  If this enzyme is not present the sugar is not properly broken down resulting in excess gas and bloating.  Again, this is not the case for everyone, but if you feel bloated often, take note of how you feel after ingesting dairy products.

One last tip to think about: EAT SLOWLY AND CHEW YOUR FOOD PROPERLY!

I hope this helps you all get beach ready this weekend!!

Leave your comments below and share with a friend who is getting ready for a beach or pool vacation!!

PS. I am always looking for new blog posts ideas my readers would appreciate learning about, feel free to contact me on Twitter or Instagram @CORECondition with questions!


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